
Converts a range into a container.

std::list<int> l;
std::map<int, int> m;

// copy a list to a vector of the same type
auto a = tl::to<std::vector<int>>(l);

//Specify an allocator
auto b = tl::to<std::vector<int, Alloc>>(l, alloc);

// copy a list to a vector of the same type, deducing value_type
auto c = tl::to<std::vector>(l);

// copy to a container of types ConvertibleTo
auto d = tl::to<std::vector<long>>(l);

//Supports converting associative container to sequence containers
auto f = tl::to<vector>(m); //std::vector<std::pair<int,int>>

//Supports converting sequence containers to associative ones
auto g = tl::to<map>(f); //std::map<int,int>

//Pipe syntax
auto g = l | ranges::view::take(42) | tl::to<std::vector>();

//Pipe syntax with allocator
auto h = l | ranges::view::take(42) | tl::to<std::vector>(alloc);

//The pipe syntax also support specifying the type and conversions
auto i = l | ranges::view::take(42) | tl::to<std::vector<long>>();

// Nested ranges
std::list<std::forward_list<int>> lst = {{0, 1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6, 7}};
auto vec1 = tl::to<std::vector<std::vector<int>>>(lst);
auto vec2 = tl::to<std::vector<std::deque<double>>>(lst);